ANC Alfred Nzo region is deeply disappointed by the remarks attributed by comrade Andile Lungisa and all those who were with him during his address when he was welcomed from prison. As a region we were part of the conference that elected the current PEC in ICC and we still 100% behind it.

We agreed that the EC was fast loosing its footprint in the national discourse and this we agreed can only be accorded to divisions that have continued to define us as a province particularly in the last 15 years. The epitome of these divisions was the 2016 loss of the Nelson Mandela Metro. The continued instability of the Council in that Metro is evident to the need for a stronger ANC and we believe the recent moves to strengthen the ANC Caucus in that by the PEC will yield the desired results.

In his ill-informed narrative, Lungisa’s utterances are poisonous and seek to undermine the good work that Cde Mabuyane led collective has thus far done uniting the ANC accross the Province.

As Alfred Nzo Region we believe such divisive behavior must be condemned and perpetrators of such be isolated as they have no home in the rebuilding of the Movement.

Cde Mabuyane is a son of the movement and has skipped no rank in the development of the leader he is, and infact the entire collective is comprised of tried and tested Cadre detachment. It is with great disappointment that people continue to organize themselves on factional divisions outside the structures of the movement and seek to undermine the leaders of the ANC and their work.

At a leadership level we shall continue to advocate for a principled aproach that structures of the movement must not be agitated by wedge drivers to undermine our glorious movement.

We continue to hold a firm belief that the Mabuyane led collective is on the right track towards unifying society at large behind one common vision, that of building the ANC and the Eastern Cape we all want.

We believe the PEC is comprised of a leadership blended by a level of revolutionary technocratic ability, willing to teach and be taught.

We believe the PEC possess the exuberance of youthfulness coupled with its ability to take initiative and inspire the people of the EC towards a common vision. The people of the EC deserve to be inspired as they engage in their daily chores, knowing and believing that their ANC is united and determined to bring a better future.

As ANC Alfred Nzo Region we support the collective and we believe they should be given space to execute their work.

We are however appalled by the presence of Cde Mlibo Qhoboshiyane who seemed to be chairing the gathering without uttering any word that condemned the insults directed at our leadership particularly the the Provincial Chairperson.

For that reason we believe such leaders as Cde Mlibo should disassociate themselves from divisive crowds if they want to contribute to the betterment of the Province. We are therefore worried that Cde Mlibo seems to be supporting this behavior and we expect more from him.

Infact we call upon the leadership to be decisive and deal with any form of anarchy in the province starting from Comrade Andile Lungisa.

As Alfred Nzo Region we are still satisfied with the collective leadership and we encourage you comrades not to divert focus to these petty tendencies that are seem to be orchestrated somewhere.

Issued by the ANC Alfred Nzo RTT

Regional Coordinator:

Cde Vido Mhlelembana

RTT Spokesperson

Onke Diko: 0793613325


Posted in Media Statements
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