In our efforts to eliminate any form violence against women and children, this heightened campaign must not only be limited to August month, but must be a year long campaign. Such commitment and dedication should be carried out 365 days of a year until we collectively defeat the demon of patriarchy and gender stereotypes.

As we close the month of August, we would like to thank the law enforcement agencies for their most important role in dealing with whoever is a perpetrator of any form of violence against women and children and their efforts in protecting the victims. However, government and the police alone will not succeed in dealing with such crimes.

We reiterate the directive of the National Executive Committee meeting, held in May 2017, that we must redouble our efforts and affirm the freedom of women and engage in campaigns that involve communities in the prevention of any form of violence against women and children.

Working together, as communities, we can ensure that women and children are not exposed to any form of harassment and discrimination.

We call for harsher sentences against perpetrators of any form of violence against women and children.

Issued by the African National Congress

Zizi Kodwa 082 330 4910
National Spokesperson

Khusela Sangoni 072 854 5707
National Communications Manager