The African National Congress (ANC) in the Eastern Cape congratulates Premier Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane on receiving Rhino Conservation Award on the 21st July 2019 at Monte Casino in Gauteng. He got a number 2 runner up on the category that he was nominated on.

What makes us happy as the Province is the fact that Premier Mabuyane was the only politician recognised for his role in conservation, especially protection of the endangered species that is being part of the BIG 5.

Rhino poaching is a National Priority Crime and provincial government must continue to pursue strategies to fight poaching. We want to applaud Premier Mabuyane for stepping up efforts which included traditional anti-poaching policing strategies and use of technology. Recognition is therefore given also to our law enforcement agencies under the command of the SAPS, within the extended Mission Area Joint Operations Centre (MAJOC) for their continued commitment to these anti-poaching efforts.

Issued by :
ANC EC Communications

Enquiries :
Gift Ngqondi
Provincial Head of Communications
Mobile No :0848439706/0849519924

Posted in Media Statements
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