ANC thanks ward 30 voters in Nelson Mandela Metro

Issued by the Office of the ANC EC Provincial Secretary

As the ANC we thank the voters of ward 30 for showing their appreciation and support of the ANC. We note the fact that the majority of voters have demonstrated their choice and we are grateful that elections continued under the environment of tolerance and democracy prevailed. The strong showing of UDM will be examined and the movement will analyse thoroughly the areas of concern and re-look our service delivery model.

This is an area where housing delivery, improving internal streets and provision of basic services continues. Therefore the loss of these by-elections is a compelling statement that calls for an urgent inward introspection and our internal arrangements, systems and approach. The ANC is determined to reclaim its space and our election plan is clear.

We congratulate UDM for winning this by-election, and wishing the new councillor well.

This statement must be attributed to the ANC Spokes Person Mlibo Qhiboshiyane.

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