2019 National and Provincial Elections

General elections were held on 8 May 2019 to elect a new National Assembly and provincial legislatures in each province. These were the sixth elections held since the end of apartheid in 1994 and determined who will become the next President of South Africa.

The National Assembly election was won by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) with a majority of 57.50% led by ANC President Comrade Cyril Ramaphosa.

Eight of the nine provincial legislatures were won by the ANC except the Western Cape

National Assembly

Party : ANC
Valid Votes : 10,026,475
% Of total votes : 57.50%
Seats : 230 out of 400

Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature

Party : ANC
Valid Votes : 1,357,137
% Of total votes : 68.74%
Seats : 44 out of 63

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