The Progressive Youth Alliance Secretariat recently met on an urgent basis on the 22nd January 2022 in Osner Hotel to consider what it termed as immediate threats to the national democratic revolution and attendant opportunities to its advancement.
The Progressive Youth Alliance Secretariat unanimously agreed on the urgent need to hold a summit, to consider all these matters and craft an urgent implementable action plan in response to these, and proposed that this summit be convened between the 11th to 13th February 2022 as we mark the 21st Commemoration of the release President Nelson Mandela in context of commemorating also the unbanning of the congress movement.
On the state NDR.
The PYA Secretariat reaffirmed its commitment to pursue a thoroughgoing national democratic revolution (NDR) . But noted that the consolidation of the pompous parasitic bureaucratic bourgeois tendency as immediate threat to it. That the NDR as result was not only stagnant and in an interregnum but counterrvolutuonary forces are rapidly on an accelerated pace driving towards the total collapse of the NDR and its replacement by an outright, right wing programme couched in with our slogans, language and structures, etc.
Therefore called for an urgent response to reinforce the efforts towards the unity and renewal of our congress movement. Unity for this purpose and unity in action cannot be unity that continues to provide a conducive environment for all these counterrvolutuonary tendencies to thrive and the working class must at the primary motive force of the National Democratic Revolution ensure that this movement is not high-jacked.
Upcoming Congresses.
It has become a norm to waterdown the task of congresses from producing a programme on whose basis the preference on leadership should to be merely elective conferences. Thus the basis of preferences becomea other agendas other than that of the National Democratic Revolution that unites all of us, as such divides the movement and its youth exploited as pawns in battles about proximity to state resources and the maintenance of political office through patronage derived from such proximity.
The PYA firmly believes that for this revolutionary project of unity and renewal to succeed in restoring the confidence of society and put the NDR again into motion, it requires all generations of the movement whilst placing at the centre the generation that is not relatively contaminated as those that have been leading the movement and have brought it to the current state of affairs.
Therefore call for the youth of economic freedom in our lifetime and socialism in our lifetime as the main content of their programme to work towards ensuring that are consolidated in programmatic resolutions of the upcoming congresses on whose basis the youth of our movement must ensure proportional representation of the current generation in all leadership collectives elected in the congresses in 2022 and beyond.
That young people must refuse to be divided about proximity to crums that fall off in the dispensing of patronage by those sitting on the table whilst their future and that of their children is being right before our eyes. Our election into leadership as the generation must mean the disruption of the gravy train and the transformation of the economy such that land is owned by all those who work it and a job creating economy emerges to resolve the tipple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality.
Back to School/ Right To Learn Campaign
Congratulates the education system of our province for producing this significant increase in the matric pass rate of 4.9% against the backdrop of an education system whose conditions remain very difficult to produce results as a legacy of uneven development historically and contemporary challenges of ths subjective weaknesses of both our movement and the state.
This improvement could also not have been possible without the energies of the working class youth that have rejuvenated the system defeating all odds to ensure the future of primarily the Black and African child of the working class is better. Whether it’s new intake of young educators employed by the department or those supper exploited through SGB posts, or the education assistants and general assistance that together braved the novel corona virus together with all educators only for those educators not to get their increment and the EAs/GAs to go for months without being paid their meagre stipends.
We therefore call for the ANC led alliance government (all spheres) to urgently attend to the trafficability of all roads leading to schools and institutions of higher learning in the Eastern Cape together with long unresolved challenges of scholar transport that have otherwise led to the loss of some learners lives had issues of just roadworthiness of all vehicles part of the programme been addressed and to ensure that if this has not been attended to in the past as a lack of oversight by those deployed to do so, such is looked into and capacity strengthened where necessary with the same energy that has proven to produce results in the class room.
That all those schools whose infrastructure has been affected by environmental disaster are urgently restored to a habitable condition with the necessary speed and for this purpose both treasury and business sector are siezed with responsibility to fund such refurbishments and or reconstructions, particularly the business sector must through properly coordinates corporate social investment, invest in the human capital they utilise to draw profits whilst the children of the vast majority languish in abject poverty.
That an urgent solution must be found to deliver the much needed but delayed learner teacher support material such as stationery to all schools and all senior officials responsible for the delays a clear consequence management for this strategic management failure, that has caused a lot of panic and frustration to many working class families, that are busy indebting themselves in defense of the better future of their children.
That the pace of the roll out of digital infrastructure throughout our province is fasttracked so as improve better conditions of teaching and learning, particularly under the conditions of a new normal brought about by the novel corona virus.
That the availability of Sport and Recreational facilities and codes in all schools, TVET colleges and universities in the must be expanded with speed to ensure that access to Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture do not continue to be unequal, racialised and gendered further reinforced by spatial inequalities of the apartheid uneven development patterns of oppression.
That the availability of quality student accommodation particularly for the TVET College sector is a matter that is addressed with the urgency it deserves.
The PYA will consolidate a common programme that will ensure that its on the making assessments of the current state of affairs against not so good picture afore depicted and to create awareneas about all the calls of progressive youth movement.
Issued by PYA Secretariat