SACP, its alliance partners and civil society organisations in the Eastern Cape invite the media to cover observance of International Day of Solidarity with the People of Palestine
The United Nations has declared 29 November as a day of International Solidarity with the People of Palestine. The South African Communist Party (SACP), its alliance partners the African National Congress (ANC), Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), South African Civic Organisation (SANCO)and other progressive civil society formations will use this occasion to further demonstrate their long-standing support and solidarity with the People of Palestine.
Since the 7th of October, Palestinian people have been facing a genocide from the Apartheid Israeli State. The SACP in the Eastern Cape and the organisations supporting the pickets across the province will use this opportunity to call for an end to the terror waged against Palestinian people and reiterate the longstanding demand for the freedom of Palestinians.
The SACP invites the media to the solidarity pickets, as follows:
Amathole Region: Carley Grounds, Butterworth. Focal Person, Cde Tingo ?0660787593
Buffalo City Region: Opposite EL Court, Cde Siyabonga Mdodi @ ?0833588070
OR Tambo Region: Ntlaza Taxi Rank, Mthatha. Focal Person, Cde Mxenge @ ?0828883660
Nelson Mandela Region: McDonalds, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. Focal Person, Cde Lunga Nombexeza, @?0834633875
Joe Gqabi Region: Opposite Caltex Garage, Mount Fletcher. Focal Person, Cde Belebesi Phakiso @ ?0791631631
Joe Gqabi Region: Maletswai Library, Maletswai. Focal Person, Cde Belebesi Phakiso @ ?0791631631
Sarah Baartman: Makhanda City Hall, Cde Bongani Hanise @ ?0734623204
Issued by the SACP Eastern Cape
Simphiwe Thobela
SACP Provincial Spokesperson
Mobile: ?0767907101 | Email: