Media Alert: ANC celebrates womans month with the church and helps it to raise funds

Issued by the Office of the ANC EC Provincial Secretary


The ANC in the Eastern Cape is on Sunday spending the rest of the day celebrating with the United Presbyterian Church and the community of Burnshill.

The call by the ANC President to go back to basics is about serving the ordinary people using the basics under which the ANC was established. ANC is the home for all, this is espoused in its founding values and mission. Deciding to go and spend time with the church and the community it serves is one of our responsibilities to serve the people. Sectors of our society like churches are the most important components and partners to our mission towards the envisaged society. Back to basics call therefore means, we can only achieve unity and cohesion through direct and continuous interaction with these communities. We are grateful to receive invitation from the church.

We invite the media to be part of this day. The PEC will be part of the service.

The service will take place as follows;

Location: Burnshill, Middledrift

Venue: United Presbyterian Church

Date: 30th August 2015

Time: 8am to 1pm

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