The African National Congress Women’s League (ANCWL), Eastern Cape Provincial Task Team (PTT) convened its ordinary meeting on Friday, 20 January 2022 at Queenstown. The PTT meeting was convened for the leadership collective of the ANCWL to deliberate on the state of the organisation, politico socio-economic conditions of the people in general and the women in particular.

ANC National 55th National Conference

The meeting congratulated the African National Congress for convening a successful 55th National Conference. The PTT wishes to congratulate all women cadres elected to the National Executive Committee of the ANC.

We wish to congratulate all women elected to the ANC NEC from the Eastern Cape, Comrade Sisisi Tolashe, Nomokhosazana Meth, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, Pemmy Majodina, Pam Tshwete, Zoleka Capa and Nocawe Mafu. We are confident that the comrades will do sterling work in the renewal and rooting the ANC within the masses of our people.

On loadshedding :

The meeting was convened at the alarming height of the energy crisis confronting our country which has led to unbearable loadshedding. The crisis continues impact negatively on the South African economy and the livelihood of our people, particularly women who carry the burden of caring for families. The current energy crisis affects the women run projects, small businesses and the women in rural areas who now must collect wood in the bushes for cooking. We are of the firm view that the energy crisis requires urgent and undivided focus of the leadership both in the movement and government. The recently established command council should include all premiers. The focus should be on reviving the power stations, rooting out corrupt elements in Eskom and ensuring effective use of coal and energy reserves.

Gender Based Violence and Femicide :

The PTT meeting noted with great concern the persistent pandemic of gender-based violence and femicide. The meeting affirmed the long-standing position that we will not tolerate any form of abuse against women, children and LGBTIQ+ society no matter who is involved.

It is in this context that the PTT expresses its great dismay on the gruesome murder of Jennifer from North West allegedly by her husband, and ANC deployee in the National Assembly. We condemn this barbaric act with the strongest contempt it deserves. We call upon the ANC leadership to urgently put the implicated deployee on step aside, the ANC cannot keep quite on the matter of this magnitude. The ANC must clearly pronounce itself and distance the people’s movement from such characters.

The law enforcement authorities must leave no stone unturned in ensuring that the perpetrator is brought to face the full might of the law.

The ANC WL in the province wants to condemn in the strongest term the brutal humiliation of Cde Nokuku Dube on the eve of the Provincial January 8th Celebration and we are pleased that comrade Nokuku has since opened the case in a Komani police station, and we will work to ensure that Cde Nokuku receives all the necessary support in this period.

2022 Matric results :

The PTT wishes to congratulate the matric class of 2022 particularly those learners from schools within quantile 1-3 which are mostly in the rural areas for the great achievement despite the huge infrastructural challenges and under funding that continue affect learning within their schools. We congratulate the good work done by the province of achieving 77%, a huge improvement. We congratulate all the learners who have passed matric and call on all those who have stumble to remain strong and seek all available options to pursue education.

ANCWL National Conference .

The ANC Women’s League is in the process of preparing for its National Congress to be held in March 2023. The ANC women’s league in the province had a long discussion on the preparations of both the Provincial and National Conference. The PTT is of the view that the Provincial and National Conferences are tasked with a strategic responsibility of reinforcing the renewal of the ANC.

The ANCWL in the province will actively campaign for the election of Comrade Sisisi Tolashe as the President of the ANC Women’s League. We believe Comrade Sisisi Tolashe possesses the necessary capacity to steer the women’s movement to greater heights.

Issued by the ANCWL Eastern Cape


Siphokazi Lusithi

ANCWL Provincial Coordinator

Mobile: 0762148116

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