The ANCYL in the Eastern Cape held its Special PCPC meeting on the 14 May 2023 at the ANC Provincial Office, Canon James Calata House. The meeting was convened to receive an update on the preparations towards the ANCYL Eastern Cape Provincial Congress. The Special PCPC meeting received an NYTT Input from the deployees to the province which amongst other things stressed on the importance of reviving the ANCYL in the province and the country.

The meeting noted with concern, the absence without apology of the Regional Chairpersons and Secretaries of the Dr. WB Rubusana and OR Tambo regions, as well as the recently appointed Regional Convenor and Coordinator of the Joe Gqabi region. This has had a direct impact on the distribution of packages to the regions given that the meeting was also meant as a platform to dispense packages to regions. We would like to assure branches of the three regions that the PCPC will work to ensure that the packages are dispensed to the regions so that no branches are disadvantaged in sitting their BGMs.

*State of the Organization*

The PCPC noted the progress that had been made in rebuilding structures of the Youth League in the province, which had led to six out of eight regions successfully convening their Regional Congresses.

The meeting further noted the dissolution of the RECs in Amathole and Joe Gqabi regions and the respective appointments of the RCPCs as confirmed by NYTT Coordinator in a letter addressed to ANC and ANCYL structures in the province. To ensure that the two regions urgently convene their Regional Congresses, the PCPC reinforced the deployment of PCPC members to the region with the Provincial Convenor and Coordinator.

The meeting further noted the reported suspensions of some REC Officials in Alfred Nzo and OR Tambo regions which was done in contravention with the ANCYL Constitution. The PCPC reaffirmed the steps taken by the PCPC Officials in directing both structures to refrain from such conduct which borders on the abuse of organizational instruments to undermine the democratic processes of the ANCYL. The PCPC has thus directed PCPC members deployed to the regions to urgently meet with the RECs and address this going concern with the intention of ensuring stability.

As a result of the on-going impasse and stand-off within the two RECs, the PCPC resolved to reinforce the deployments to the regions and ensure that the PCPC oversees the BGMs towards the Provincial and National Congresses, amongst other critical organizational processes. To this effect, the PCPC has deployed PWTT members, Cde Ngawonke Bulala to be the Convenor of PCPC deployees to Alfred Nzo region and Cde Luntu Sokutu to be the Convenor of PCPC deployees to OR Tambo region. Cde Mandilakhe Kondile has been redeployed to reinforce the PCPC deployees to Alfred Nzo, while Cde Noxolo Koko has been redeployed to be the Convenor of Deployees to Sarah Baartman Region. The Provincial Organizer, Cde Yanga Zicina will thus reinforce the deployees to OR Tambo region owing to the redeployment of Cde Noxolo Koko and Cde Mandilakhe Kondile to other regions.

*Roadmap to the ANCYL Eastern Cape Provincial Congress*

The PCPC meeting adopted the revised roadmap to the ANCYL Eastern Cape Provincial Congress. As stated earlier, BGM packages have arrived and dispatched to five out of eight regions which will allow for BGMs in those regions to proceed as early as tomorrow until the cut off date as per the NYTT roadmap.

The PCPC resolved to convene the ANCYL Eastern Cape Provincial Congress on the 16 – 18 June 2023 in East London, Dr. WB Rubusana region.


The PCPC along with the NYTT and RECs/ RCPCs will work tirelessly to ensure that the Provincial Congress is convened on the above dates and that the processes leading towards the National and Provincial Congress are credible. The PCPC strongly condemns the reported intimidation of ANCYL members allegedly by ANC and ANCYL leaders, especially with jobs and livelihood. The levels of unemployment and poverty in the province, particularly within the youth, cannot be used to intimidate members to agree on certain leadership preferences. The PCPC further cautions against the use of organizational resolutions as identities of leadership preferences and factions.

We call on the unity of ANCYL members and young people in the province behind the revival and renewal of the ANCYL in the Eastern Cape.


Issued by the ANCYL Eastern Cape PCPC

For enquiries contact:

Zuko Godlimpi

ANCYL Eastern Cape Spokesperson

083 843 8446

Bongani Mani

ANCYL Eastern Cape Provincial Coordinator

073 791 5026

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