President and all NUM leaders
Leadership of Cosatu and entire Alliance,
Distinguished delegates
Comrades and Friends,

It is with great honour and humility that I address you today, during this critical 15th Regional Conference of the NUM in the Eastern Cape. This gathering takes place at a pivotal moment in our country’s history just over six months since the May 29, 2024, National General Elections, an event that has fundamentally altered the political and social landscape of South Africa.

The outcome of these elections, resulting in the establishment of a Government of National Unity (GNU) has underscored the need for working class unity and hegemony as never before. The decimation of ANC majoritarianism, comrades, is not merely a political shift; it is a profound revolutionary setback not just for the trade union movement, but for all Progressive Forces committed to the National Democratic Revolution (NDR).

Yabona ke asifikanga ngokuthakathwa kulengxuba ka xaka. We have not listened to our forebears such as President General Oliver Thambo when he warned us about wedge drivers who divided our mass democratic movement and alliance.

The Challenge of Fragmentation in the Working Class:

Comrades, Cosatu fractured under our watch and history will charge all of us harshly for that. We cannot ignore the reality that we are facing an existential challenge of fractured and increasingly fragile movement and the entire Alliance. The hemorrhaging within our organisations is deeply concerning, not a single Ally is immune from this moment. Affiliates that were once the backbone of Cosatu are now struggling to maintain their influence and strength in all sectors. Across sectors where COSATU historically held hegemony, rival unions are emerging and gaining ground.

The NUM itself, comrades, is not immune to these challenges. Since the Marikana Massacre, the NUM’s position has been significantly undermined. The emergence and growing influence of AMCU in areas where NUM once stood unchallenged is a matter that must be at the forefront of your deliberations during this conference. This is not merely a competitive rivalry it reflects the growing vulnerability of the organized and united working class.

A fragmented and weakened trade union movement is not just a threat to workers’ rights and conditions; it is a threat to the very foundation of the NDR. Without a united and powerful working class, our ability to advance the cause of social transformation and economic justice is severely compromised.

Unity as the Pillar of Hegemony:

Comrades, unity within the working class is not a luxury, it is a necessity. The founding leader of NUM, President Cyril Ramaphosa once said: “you can never have unity if you want things to go your way.”

The fragmented state of the trade union movement leaves us vulnerable to forces that seek to undermine not only worker solidarity but also the broader goals of the Pro-gressive Forces. A divided working class cannot effectively champion the demands of workers, nor can it act as a transformative force in society.

The NUM, as one of the historic pillars of COSATU, must take a leadership role in re-building this unity. This responsibility cannot be shirked. It is not just about defending your position in the mining sector; it is about reasserting the hegemony of the working class in the broader political and economic discourse of our nation.

We must also recognize that this unity will not emerge spontaneously. It requires de-liberate and strategic action. It requires honest reflection on the mistakes of the past and a willingness to engage in robust dialogue with other unions, affiliates, and federations. The NUM has a unique role to play as a bridge-builder, a unifier, and a custodian of the working-class agenda.

The NUM’s Role in Struggle:

Comrades, NUM’s challenges are significant, but so too is its potential to lead. The mining sector remains one of the most contested terrains of struggle in our economy. This sector is not just about profits and commodities, it is a site of power, exploitation, and resistance.

The NUM must reclaim its position as the vanguard of workers in this sector. This requires renewed focus on organizing, mobilizing, and empowering your members. It also requires innovative strategies to address the challenges posed by rivals such as the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU). We cannot allow division among workers to weaken our collective strength.

But NUM’s role cannot be limited to the mining sector alone. You must also engage with the broader economic and political context. As we deliberate during this conference, let us consider how the NUM can contribute to the broader struggle for economic transformation, social justice, and the realization of the NDR.

The Political Landscape Post-May 29, 2024 :

Comrades, the post-May 29 political arrangement of the Government of National Unity is a reminder of the volatility and complexity of our times. The Progressive Forces must adapt to this new reality. However, adaptation must not mean capitulation. The working class must remain vigilant, organized, and assertive in defending its interests and advancing its agenda. The decimation of ANC majoritarianism should serve as a wake-up call not only for the ANC but for all of us committed to the revolutionary project.

This is a moment for introspection, for reorganization, and for the rebuilding of Pro-gressive Forces around a common agenda. The NUM has always been a crucial ally in the struggle for social and economic justice.

Your role in this new era is more important than ever. Together, we must ensure that the voice of the working class is not drowned out in the halls of power. We must ensure that the principles of equity, transformation, and justice remain at the forefront of the national agenda.
Rebuilding and strengthening COSATU as a Federation.

As we reflect on the state of the trade union movement, we must confront the reality that COSATU, as a federation, is not as strong as it once was. Its affiliates are facing unprecedented challenges, and the federation’s ability to act as a united force is under threat. This is not just COSATU’s problem; it is our collective problem. A weakened COSATU means a weakened working class. And a weakened working class means a stalled NDR.

The NUM must take a leading role in addressing this crisis. You must engage with other affiliates, build alliances, and work tirelessly to strengthen the federation. This is not just about protecting COSATU’s legacy, it is about securing the future of the working class.

Comrades, as we deliberate during this conference, let us focus on solutions. Let us focus on unity. Let us focus on reclaiming the strength and influence of the NUM and the broader trade union movement. The road ahead will not be easy. But as we have done so many times before, we will rise to the challenge. The NUM has history, experience, and the courage to lead the working class in this critical moment.
In closing, I remind you of the power of solidarity. It was solidarity that built the trade union movement. It was solidarity that sustained us through the darkest days of our struggle. And it is solidarity that will carry us forward.

As you engage in your deliberations, remember that the decisions you make here will shape the future not only of the NUM but of the entire working class.

Let us emerge from this conference, united, determined, and ready to reclaim our rightful place in the struggle for a just and equitable society.

I thank you and wish you a productive and inspiring conference.


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