The African National Congress (ANC) in the Eastern Cape welcomes the Constitutional Court Judgement against the disgruntled group’s application to nullify the ANC 8th Provincial Conference.
The Constitutional Court has considered the application for condonation and leave to appeal directly from the High Court. It has concluded that the application for condonation should be granted,but that the application for leave to appeal should be dismissed as it bears no prospects of success with costs .The application for direct access is dismissed .Order was granted on the 1st August 2018 .
This judgement once again, affirms the right of the African National Congress to determine its own conferences,processes , procedures and proceedings in terms of its Constitution without interference.
We have consistently argued that the application was frivolous, as it essentially sought to ask the Court to grant them the carte blanche right to disrupt the functioning of the organisation.
The applicants case was an attempt to cajole the judiciary into being party to their unconstitutional and silly decision not to recognize and accept the ANC Eastern Cape 8th Provincial Conference outcomes.
This court ruling teaches members of the ANC to refuse any temptations of taking ANC matters to court when there are internal remedies within the organization to explore.
The judgement affirms the correctness of our processes leading to the 8th Provincial Conference and conference proceedings.
Indeed, our judiciary ought to remain guarded at all times against attempts by some individuals to exploit the courts in their attempts to erode democratic practices of our glorious movement.
The judgement will strengthen the ANC’s resolve to work in building unity and cohesion in the Province .This unity must be unity which consciously places the centrality of our people at the forehead of the revolution.
Asinamona, asinanzondo .Siyayidumisa I African National Congress.
Issued by:
ANC EC Communications
Judy Mpetsheni
ANC EC Media & Liaison Officer
Mobile No: 0731176194/0636878267
Gift Ngqondi
ANC EC Head of Communications
Mobile No: 0849519924/0848439706