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The South Africa rail transportation is entering its critical growth, inclusive and sustainable path

The government identified the need to develop a transport master plan for South Africa that is comprehensive, multi modal, integrated, and dynamic, and provides a sustainable framework not only for implementing transport but also for providing infrastructure and service. Most

Posted in Phambili

100 years in a 1000 words. A blessing to the nation

“As difficult as it is to talk about the past, as agonising as it is to rake up painful memories of imprisonment, torture and separation from family and friends, I will give my testimony today. I do so in the

Posted in Phambili

South Africa mourns the passing of Cde Edna Molewa

The African National Congress has learnt with shock, sadness and sense of enormous loss, of the passing of Edna Edith Bomo Molewa, who was an NEC & NWC member as well as Cabinet Minister at the time of her passing.The

Posted in Phambili

Racism a blemish to nation’s progress

In recent years the demon of racism has reared its ugly head threatening our nation’s progress towards the realization of truly non-sexist society. The Vicky Momberg case laid bare the depths of the wounds of yesteryear that refuse to heal.

Posted in Phambili
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