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ANC will pay a heavy prize for inward-focus

Imagine if the founders of the ANC in 1912 had met in Bloemfontein to establish an organisation only to end quibbling between the various provincial Natives National Congresses or to resolve ethnic disputes among the various African groupings! Even this,

Posted in Phambili

An unstoppable fighting spirit

Mama Albertina Sisulu was a woman leader in her own right. She was a woman with a strong and independent voice. Born in 1918, some 85 kilometers from Umtata, Enogcobo , her home town is still a rural dorp. Her

Posted in Phambili

The time for renewal in our metros, based on a caring local government, has come!

Since the dawn of democracy in 1994, when the ANC first received over 60% of the national votes, South Africa has been described as a ‘one-party dominance’ system.  This was despite the fact that in those very elections, the interim

Posted in Phambili

Economic cost of gender inequality in South Africa

Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making, and when the different behaviors, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and

Posted in Phambili
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