On behalf of Provincial Executive Committee of the South African Communist Party, it is a great honour to convey revolutionary greetings as you celebrate 113 years of since the establishment of your organisation. We congratulate your organisation, our ally of many decades that saw us sharing trenches shoulder to shoulder in the struggle for freedom and the struggle to build a democratic country.

As the communist party, we have not been invited by mistake given our decision to contest the next local government elections. We are here to celebrate the anniversary of our ally of decades.
We salute the ANC for the achievements registered in the past 29 years of building a new South Africa. As part of our message today, we wish to underline that our gains are undermined by the levels of unemployment, inequality and the rise of the cost of leaving facing the majority of workers and the poor. Even the so-called middle is finding it difficult to survive and face high levels of indebtedness.
This crisis will not be resolved by goodwill of leadership and messy of those who own the means of production for they have no mess they are putting profit before the people. This moment requires a unified alliance in liberating our country from the shuttles of neo-liberal policies that we have implemented for 29 years with no changes in resolving the challenges of unemployment and inequality facing millions of our people.

It is this policy of neo liberalism that made us to closed teacher colleges and amalgamation of universities instead of building more high education institutions.

We now face thousands of 2024 matric class having to seat at home as the system cannot absorbed them. It is this policy that we find unemployed graduates that include, teachers, social workers, nurses and doctors in the face of a great need for their services whilst leaving few workers overburdened with work and declining incomes in real terms.

It is this policy that saw 60 000 CWP workers losing their jobs. We wish to take this opportunity to salute the ANC PEC for taking strong stance and fight against this decision. (thanks to the Minister from the IFP for reversing the decision whilst he is worried if the Minister from the ANC might not financial support the decision going forward)
It is this policy that is causing misery of the workers and the poor. It is not the SACP decision to contest the coming local government elections in 2026. It is this policy that stand opposed the demands of the freedom charter to share the wealth and the land in our country to benefit the majority. It is high time that we work together to expose and defeat the neo liberal network that has captured the policy direction of our country.

The agenda of this network is not different to the state capture criminal network as it is working against the people not for the people.
We hear the calls for a national dialogue, no dialogue will resolved our challenges with current policy trajectory in place, I dialogue ngumjikelezo njee ngoba abantu bayichaza kudala ukuba bafuna ilizwe elinjani pha kumqulu wenkululeko.

The SACP is an independent organisation for power, we were not established for political education, we have a right to make our own decisions, equally the ANC can make its own decisions and both organisation can express their critical views about the either decisions. It is in this context that the SACP will refuse to be silenced and we reject all attempts to isolate our General Secretary. We will equally reject efforts to use the names of our former leaders to condemn the present SACP leaders. The conduct of praising the dead in order to condemn the leaving. We have gone through these attacks before they did not succeed and will not succeed now. As provincial alliance we have agreed to engage on the reality of the SACP decision and see how we can contribute to national discussion to find a way forward.

Conclusion :

A message, to those who react to our decision to say Mabahambe, the Mabahambe brigade, there are two class parties in the country, the SACP as working-class party and the DA as a party of those who own the means of production. They must know, ANC is a multiclass organisation with communists and non-communists including capitalists. Communists belong to the ANC in their own right as members, an ANC without communists ceases to be ANC, ceases to be multiclass, it becomes a DA light. Perhaps those who want to change the ANC to be a DA light they can just go to the DA. As communist we don’t want to change the ANC to be a communist or socialist organisation.

We just want the ANC to implements all the clauses of the freedom charter as our joint program that has united us over years, nothing less nothing more. To those members of our party who take cover when we facing difficult times, those who find it fashionable to attack the party and its leadership under the General Secretary Solly Mapaile. We have a message from our late veteran comrade Oscar Mpeta, Marxism is like a true witchcraft, once it is ingrained in you, you die with it or you betray it. So even if you decide to betray it, when they decide to go for us they will go for you too.

Happy birthday ANC Happy Birthday


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