The Premier meeting Public Service Managers

Issued by the office of the ANC EC Provincial Secretary

13 August 2014

We welcome the moves by Premier Phumulo Masualle to meet with all provincial government and municipal senior managers tomorrow morning.

Critical to the meeting is the important message that the Premier will communicate to all managers, directing them to up the work they do, eradicate red tape, ensure clean administration is central in delivering services that develop the lives of our people and transform their communities.

This meeting is part of our commitment as the ANC to the electorate to ensure accountable, effective, responsive, clean government that moves with speed of lightning in meeting the needs of our people.

The meeting follows hot on the heels of the signing of the delivery agreements by the Premier and MECs as part of developing the province through implementation of the National development plan post elections.

It is important that the Premier leads the programme to set the direction for all in the public service so that the work done is synchronized in all levels of government.

The recent audit results and improving access to basic services in the province signal hope that proper governance; improved service delivery is achievable in the province.

All of us have a role to play in ensuring that we work as a collective to develop our province in all aspects. At the end of the day, we have the lives of our people to transform and develop, so this meeting is key leading us to that goal.

We call on all those who will attend the meeting to commit more to working with the political leadership to realize the set plans, developed strategies and already implemented projects.

Each of us has a responsibility to play in transforming the lives of our people, and in developing our province. To us this meeting is critical important because it has to result in good results for our province

This statement must be attributed to Oscar Mabuyane, the ANC EC Provincial Secretary.

Posted in ANC News, Media Statements
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