The ANC in the Eastern Cape strongly condemns the police action which resulted in the death of a 68 year old Thembekile Fana during a protest for service delivery at Keiskammahoek (Amahlathi Local Municplality) on Monday, 19 March 2018.
What is disheartening and painful is for police killing to happen during Human Rights Month when as a country we should be celebrating rights as enshrined in our country’s constitution.
Furthermore it is the duty of police to protect citizen when they exercise constitutional right to protest against any level of government, as there can be no government that can justify claim authority unless on the will of the people.
Disciplinary action must be taken against those responsible for this senseless violent attack on an innocent old man and a criminal investigation must commence.
We view the decision by the Independent Police Directorate (IPDID) to investigate this matter as a positive development.
The issues raised in the petition by the Keiskammahoek protestors are genuine and need to be acted upon as soon as yesterday by the Amahlathi Local Municipality.
We must ask ourselves questions whether people in strategic positions are fit for the purpose of good, clean and accountable governance of our municipalities.
It is time to up your game. The choice before us is clear, either you are prepared to take the hard decision and discharge your duties as elected public representatives or municipal officials in accordance with your respective mandates or you face the consequences of poor performance. As the ANC we have already demonstrated that we are not afraid to act.
Our communities must see harsh consequences for non-performance on Mayors, this is in the interest of the people whom we are all supposed to serve.
ANC remains extremely intolerant and opposed to this blatant disregard for municipal systems and ethical governance. This should serve as a reminder to all our deployed cadres about the importance of serving our people and leading the institutions of governance in dignified manner.
On our 2016 Local Government Election Manifesto we made a firm undertaking to give exemplary leadership and lead on clean on governance. We wish to encourage the provincial government and Cogta to always act firm, decisive and urgently against wrong doing in all ANC led municipalities in our province.
ANC Eastern Cape Provincial Chairperson Comrade Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane on Tuesday, 20 March 2018 went to Keiskammahoek where he addressed the community and received the list with community demands. On the following day Wednesday, 21 March the ANC Provincial Secretary Comrade Lulama Ngcukayitobi also paid a courtesy visit to the Fana family to offer condolences on their loss.
We send our heartfelt condolences to the Fana family, friends and the community of Lower Gxulu at Keiskammahoek. The ANC will be with the family till the last day where he will be laid to rest.
ANC EC Media & Liaison Officer
Judy Mpetsheni
Mobile No: 0636878267 / 0731176194
ANC EC Communications Manager
Gift Ngqondi
Mobile No: 0848439706