The African National Congress (ANC) in the Eastern Cape has learnt with sadness on the passing away of former Deputy Minister of Defense and struggle stalwart, Comrade Mluleki George after a short illness in hospital yesterday, Tuesday 5th January 2021.

The history of liberation struggle in our country would not be complete without the inclusion of the role Comrade Mluleki George played towards the attainment of democracy and freedom. His resolve to rid our country of racism and oppression and to usher in a new era of democracy was unflinching. He dedicated his life to the eradication of racial discrimination in sport and the creation of inclusive, non-racial sport in South Africa . As a member of the National Sports Council (NSC) during the unity processes of the early 1990s, he was instrumental in the amalgamation of different sporting entities to create the national federations that we now have in South Africa.

Comrade Mluleki George served as Secretary of KADRU in 1973 and President of Border Rugby Union until his arrest in 1976 and was sentenced to five (5) years imprisonment in Robben Island in1978.

He became a founder member of United Democratic Front (UDF) in 1983; founder member of National Sports Council in 1988 and a founder and executive member of National Olympic Committee of South Africa in 1989. He served as President of King Central and Districts Rugby from 1984 to 1986. Comrade Mluleki George was elected President of UDF Border Region in 1986; and as President of Border Rugby Union from 1986 to 1991. He was also a member of the International Rugby Board from 1994 to 1997. Upon the unbanning of political organizations, Cde Mluleki George served as the Executive member of the SACP Border Region in 1990. Cde George was elected Chairperson of ANC East London/King Williams Town Region from 1996 until 1999. He was elected once again as the Chairperson of the ANC Amathole Region in 2005.

He was elected President of National Sports Council (NSC), United Border Rugby Union from 1991 to 2001 and a Vice President of South African Rugby Football Union (SARFU) from 1993 until 1998. He was again appointed as Board member of South African Rugby Union in 2003.

Comrade George became a member of Parliament in 1994. He served diligently in various positions including member of the portfolio committee of Minerals & Energy , Correctional Services and Intelligence in Parliament from 1994 to 1999. He was elected Chairperson of Parliamentary Portfolio Committee of Safety and Security from 1999 to 2004. Comrade George served as a Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of South Africa from 29 April 2004 until 25 September 2008.

Comrade Mluleki George served his church with distinction. He was devout Christian and Methodist. He became Secretary of Methodist Church of Southern Africa Young Men’s Guild, Mount Coke Circuit since 2004. He was an active ANC member at Ward 38 branch in King Williams Town, Dr DW Rubusana Region.

Today we are called upon not just to mourn his passing, but to celebrate a life that has unreservedly been dedicated to serving this country and its people.

To the George family, relatives, friends and former colleagues in government, please find solace from the knowledge that the entire movement share your grief.

Hamba Kahle qhawe lamaqhawe.
Hamba uyosikhonzela Tshangisa, Zulu, Mngwevu, Skoma, Mhlatyana.


Enquiries :
Cde Loyiso Magqashela
ANC PEC Provincial Spokesperson
Mobile No :0762479845

Gift Ngqondi
Provincial Head of Communications
Mobile No :0849519924 /0848439706

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