The African National Congress(ANC)in the Eastern Cape welcomes the 2019 Budget Speech of the Eastern Cape Provincial Government delivered by MEC , Cde Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane today(Tuesday 5th March 2019).
This budget allocation is made at a time when our country’s economic growth is not at desired level , and inevitably so as a Province.
We particularly welcome the commitment made by the MEC to stimulate the economy of our Province by tabling a plan to embark on skills revolution and continue on socio-economic infrastructure. This commitment can be seen in the investment of R50 million rands from the stimulus package to establish the Isiqalo Fund for start ups to assist graduates and young people. We have noted with excitement the commitment made about the local procurement of goods and services, with the intention to establish and support locally established manufacturing. Good impression was made of a tracking device to hold accountable our government on its commitment of the 30 day payment of services after invoicing.
We further welcome the commitment to deal with corruption in particular to tighten up control systems in Supply Chain Management, and we call on government to lead the fight against corruption by exercising a zero tolerance approach towards architects of corrupt practices.
Given the enormity of the competing demands of communities in our Province , we commend the Treasury for presenting a balanced set of budget allocations.
The allocation of R2.166 billion in 2019/20 to resource more than 5000 public schools with LTSM, school furniture and other daily essentials is welcomed. We are encouraged with the investment of R570 million in the 2019/20 financial year and R1.763 billion over the MTEF to ensure that 81000 learners are transported to school .Our commitment to Peoples Education for Peoples Power is premised on our firm view that all our schools must have proper infrastructure.
The ANC also welcomes the allocation for the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform(DRDAR) at R2.319 billion for 2019/20 and R7.380 billion over the MTEF. Agriculture is part of the mainstay of our province’s economy and we are happy that the government has committed funding, which will open the space for our previously disadvantaged small farmers to get into the market.
The R3 billion and R9.4 billion allocation over the MTEF for Social Development will go a long way in pushing back poverty and helping our communities live decent lives.
Issued by
Cde Lulama Ngcukayitobi
ANC EC Provincial Secretary
ANC Media & Liaison Officer
Judy Mpetsheni
Mobile No: 0636878267/0731176194
Gift Ngqondi
Head of Communications
Mobile No:0848439706/0849519924