ANC press statement on the ECDC settlement with Mr Mase

18 November 2014
Issued by the office of the ANC EC Provincial Secretary

We note the reported out of court settlement reached by the ECDC and Mr Sithembele Mase, with concern.

We are against payment of golden handshakes and we think it would be good for Mr Mase to finish his contract so that there is no money paid for work not done.

The irregular, proceduraly flawed and illegal dismissal of Mr Mase by the ECDC board, which we rebuked from the word go, had no chance of standing against legal scrutiny.

And we appeal to the current ECDC board to ensure that all disciplinary processes are carried out fairly by following all procedures in relevant prescripts.

It has come to our attention that the sudden change of heart to opt for an out of court settlement was inspired by, amongst others, a legal opinion diametrically opposing the board’s illegal decision to fire Mr Mase without following procedures.

We call upon Economic Development MEC; Comrade Somyo to ensure that there is stability in the ECDC for it to continue with its socio-economic development programmes.

We also call on the provincial government to defend and explain its decisions in public to avoid the recurring of a situation like that of the ECDC where a functionary is victimized for responding to a decision from upper government structures.

The ECDC is an important pillar in the economy of the Eastern Cape province therefore we can’t when we have a lot to do in developing our economy, have such an important institution ravaged by impulsive decisions which undermines legal processes, strategic growth and progressive development of the province.

The ECDC must continue to serve the people of the province not only the elite who some of them are part of the board or have links with the board.

As we have said before, the board has a duty to ensure that the management of the ECDC implements developmental programmes without any hindrances but guided by corporate governance and clean administration


NB: This statement must be attributed to the Eastern Cape ANC Provincial Spokesperson, Mlibo Qoboshiyane

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