On the 27th April 1994 South Africans rallied behind the project of building the democratic state and a government based on the will of the people by voting in the first democratic elections, leading to an end to many years of apartheid oppression.

This was a massive achievement, a product of unwavering commitment and the people’s struggles against minority rule, racial subjugation and secondary citizenship. The 27 April 1994 marked a turning point of many years of a dream for adult universal suffrage, free and fair elections and the creation of a true, non-racial, non-sexist South Africa founded on the culture human rights which is a sacrosanct and foundational pillar of our democratic Constitution.

This feat marks 30 years of our democracy and 112 years of our existence. On this day in 1994 the world watched in admiration the transitional path for democracy through a negotiations. This was a long arduous journey embarked upon by the founding mothers and fathers of the ANC in 1912, culminating in the popular struggles for freedom, democracy and justice.

It was a journey of systematic acts of violence and extrajudicial killings meticulously and deliberately carried out to derail negotiations and to subvert the cause for freedom and democracy. Peace and wisdom triumphed over evil.

As a nation and a people committed towards defending democracy and advancing our freedom, we recognize the injustices of the past, honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land, respect those who have worked to build and develop our country and our collective believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity.

In furtherance of the principles of the Freedom Charter, our strategic mission and quest for a National Democratic Society, we commit ourselves towards cultivating and advocating a culture of human rights by putting South Africa to work, building industries to achieve an inclusive economy, tackle the high cost of living, invest in people, defend democracy and advance freedom and to build a better Africa and a better world through the 2024 Election Manifesto by implementing the resolutions of the 54th National Conference.

Since the dawn of democracy a lot has been done in the areas of housing, water, sanitation, education, social security, poverty eradication, transport and roads infrastructure, equality in the workplace and gender transformation, electrification, crime, international work, youth and women empowerment, the fight against corruption, and an end to the scourge of gender based violence and femicide.

We commit ourselves towards a new global order based on multilateralism, collaborations based of reciprocal growth and shared prosperity. We remain unflinching in support of the people of Palestine against the genocidal Israel and the prosperity of our continent in line with the African Union Vision 2063.

This has not been easy. We recognize the challenges and weaknesses encountered during this epic journey, having learned and grown as we evolved through the stages of democratic governance, and our maturing democracy.

Unity and renewal of our movement, advancing the people’s interests remain our top priorities through progressive legislation that has been passed by the people’s parliament under the leadership of the ANC. 30 years is a continuation of the people’s vision for a true democratic South Africa and the consolidation of the achievements amassed over many years since 1994.

Advancing freedom is a patriotic and collective responsibility of all South Africans, enjoining all of us to defend the democratic state. The 2024 national elections are indicative of the maturity of our democracy, resilience of the country’s Constitution, the credibility of its institutions, the will of the people, the legitimacy of the state, territorial integrity and its sovereignty among the community of nations.

The ANC joins all South Africans in commemorating this massive feat. The successes of the past 30 years are indicative of the power of a nation united in common purpose, shared destiny, prosperity and a common bond of humanity.




Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri


Martina Della Togna
082 355 3645

Mothusi Shupinyane Ka Ndaba
084 498 0105

Bonnie Ramaila
072 573 7583

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