ANC Statement: on the Gang Violence in Port Elizabeth, Northern Areas

Issued by the office of the ANC EC Provincial Secretary

The ANC in the Eastern Cape notes with serious concern the continued violent and brutal killings of innocent people by criminals in the Northern areas of Port Elizabeth.

This is absolutely against the society we envisaged and we are working towards. It cant be in the democratic dispensation that we have communities where families with innocent people will run with their lives in their communities from gang criminals who disregard peace, order and law. That behavior undermines human rights, affecting particularly woman and children. The constitution of the country dictates that we must all equally respect human rights and that is what is not happening there.

As the ANC we are saying this not acceptable, it cant be tolerated. Where is the government to protect that community? where are the police? We urgently call on government to step up its authority and leave no stone unturned in dealing with those criminals, they must be removed from those communities. We must free innocent people and install peace and safety for all citizens. We call all government departments relevant to visit the area as soon as possible and look at the possible intervention to normalise the affected communities. We also urge the members of those communities to work with the police to root out these criminals, without their contribution, that community can never be normal,

As the ANC we will be monitoring the situation and make sure that order is restored in the northern areas.


This statement must be attributed to the Cde Oscar Mabuyane the ANC Provincial Secretary

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