ANC EC welcomes President’s investment program

The decision by President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa to vigorously attract investment into South Africa is a strategic move that has a potential to fuel economic growth, eradicate socio-economic challenges facing our country.

We are confident that the team he has announced, together with the government and social partners, will succeed in convincing investors to invest their money into our country.

Investments into our economy will play a huge role because they will fuel eradication of inequality, poverty and unemployment and create prosperity of our people, especially the majority that is living in poverty.

For our province, the ANC PEC will discuss this opportunity and come up with ways to ensure that some of these investments comes to the province to benefit the provincial populace.

Our provincial government and municipalities will be aligned to the work of the President’s investment envoys to ensure that the people of the Eastern Cape benefit from the investments that will flow from this work.

We will make sure that the province prioritizes this, and accelerate infrastructure development so that the Eastern Cape is not left behind from the coming investments.

We also have a duty to mobilize society to support our programs to attract investors, ensure maximum participation in these investment opportunities by young people and all communities so that their businesses get contracts, those unemployed get jobs from the opportunities flowing from this decision and work to support it.

This statement must be attributed to the ANC Eastern Cape Provincial Chairperson,Cde Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane.

Fore more information, please contact:
Lubabalo Mabuyane on: 07237 03643 / 07641 27356

ANC EC Media & Liaison Officer
Judy Mpetsheni
Mobile No: 0636878267/0731176194

ANC EC Communications Manager
Gift Ngqondi

Posted in Media Statements
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