ANC wins by-elections

The African National Congress emerged victorious following the results of the by-elections held in four provinces yesterday, 23 August 2017. A total of five municipal wards were contested in the Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng and the Western Cape.

The people of South Africa continue to demonstrate their overwhelming confidence in their movement. The ANC won Ward 05 in Bergrivier, Western Cape, from the Democratic Alliance (DA), and retained the highly contested Ward 124 in the City of Johannesburg. In addition, due to the unyielding and solid support the ANC continues to enjoy from the people of South Africa, the ANC retained Ward 07 in Ngqushwa, Eastern Cape, with over 80% votes.

Indeed, our strategy to reclaim political power in the Western Cape is slowly but surely yielding positive results. We dare not take for granted the confidence the people continue demonstrate in the movement. Ours is to redouble our efforts in delivering services to the people

We thank our volunteers, members and supporters who continued to work tirelessly and ensured this decisive victory for the ANC and the people of South Africa. We equally congratulate the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) for, once again, delivering the credible, free and fair elections.

Issued by African National Congress

Zizi Kodwa 082 330 4910
National Spokesperson

Khusela Sangoni 072 854 5707
National Communications Manager

Posted in Media Statements
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